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Mini Market is back! And rhae will be there!

We are so excited to announce that Mini Market is back next weekend on October 10th and October 11th from 10am-2pm at the South Congress Hotel and rhae will be there as a vendor!

Here's the breakdown:
  • Fall Mini Market will take place at the South Congress Hotel on October 10th and 11th from 10am-2pm in the large event space. All sliding doors will be open for an indoor/outdoor feel, with fans for optimal air circulation. 
  • There will be 10 different vendors on each day, so plan to swing by both days (rhae is there on Sunday)!
  • Following current safety guidelines, they will be capping guests attendance at 125 people (50% capacity).
  • Guests will not be allowed to eat or drink inside the ballroom while they are shopping and will be required to wear masks the entire time they are inside. There will be a satellite bar in the courtyard though so sip then shop! 
  • Vendors will also be required to wear masks.
Shop small, shop safe, and see you on October 10th and October 11th. Thanks for supporting all small businesses! 
Austin Texas Mini Market

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